Whilst spending yet another weekend in Marysville - our future residence in the Victorian high country - my wife expressed an interest in going to Mansfield for the day, which is about a 90 minute drive from the B&B that we were staying at. So being the ever obliging husband that I am, I thought well OK, why not?
Passing through the various townships of Buxton, Alexandria, Yarck and Merton, it was whilst entering the township of Bonnie Doon that I suddenly noticed a vehicle standing at the bottom of a paddock, which looked decidedly familiar but had been modified for an entirely different purpose. Needless to say this resulted in a sudden detour off the highway to allow for a closer inspection and the obligatory photographs.
Although there are many Chevrolet blitzes still languishing on farms around the countryside, this was the first time that I'd ever come across one of the short-wheel-based C15A versions, which had been modified with such an impressive looking crane.
Despite it's age and location, the vehicle appeared to be essentially complete and in remarkably good condition making it a worthy candidate for a restoration project. However, this is something I personally would never contemplate as I prefer to work on my examples in a much smaller scale. It did however provide a great opportunity to take some photographs - for reference purposes - and it may be something I'll consider modelling - in 1/72 scale from IBG - some time in the future.