30 April 2012

Finemolds 1/48 Kugisho D4Y2 and D4Y3 Suisei 'Judy'

At last!!.... After 3 years their finally DONE!..........
At the conclusion of my two-seat Zero project I decided to build my two 1/48 Finemolds Judy's and to do them in parallel, as I knew the kits had some fit issues and therefore I only ever wanted to do them once, which seemed like a really good idea at the time...........
Although the cockpit and fuselage assembly was fairly straight forward, the areas that required the most work were the wing to fuselage joins and the fitment of the respective engine cowls. However, once these areas had been dealt with to my satisfaction - with the former requiring hours of scraping, filing, sanding and test fitting - I was more than happy with the end results.
The models were then sprayed with Tamiya (Gray) Surface Primer and then painted in a Gunze mix of Kawanishi Dark Green (H6-50% + H5-40% + H4-10%) for the upper surfaces (hence the deep blue/green color) and Mitsubishi Light Gray (H1-95% + H2-5%) for the undersides.

Koku-Fan Illustrated 97-10 No.96 Air Group 302

It was at about this point - around 2010 - that they were unceremoniously consigned to the shelf of doom as I had a more pressing batch of commission builds to do (being a $$$$ mercenary), which unfortunately had priority .
It wasn't until the beginning of 2012 that I finally had the chance to resurrect them once again with the intent of finishing them off once and for all, despite the fact that my painting style and weathering techniques had changed since I'd originally started them.
To finish the models merely required the application of decals, panel line washes, post shading, and paint chipping (using Games Workshop Chain-mail and Prismacolor silver and terracotta pencils) plus the fitment of the propellers, undercarriage assemblies, aerials and aerial leads. Eureka!
These are really nice kits - even by today standards - and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to anyone who has a bit of modelling skill.

Bunrindo Co Ltd Famous Airplanes of the World No.69